Chi tiết - IPSIP

HOME EXHIBITION Online Exhibition

Smart City Service


  • Company IPSIP
  • Country Vietnam
Major Exhibit ItemsSmart locker
Company introductionSmart AutoHub is a mobile application that enables users to select maintenance services, schedule a driver to pick up their car at their location and transport it to the garage. The application transparently presents services and procedures, while continuously updating users on the garage’s promotions. In addition to the online application,
Smart AutoHub also installs multiple compartments of smart lockers in building lobbies, residential areas, shopping centers and nearby convenience stores to assist users in securing their car keys during the vehicle drop-off and pick-up process. This approach also helps garages reach a broader customer base.
Inquiry Mail
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    2U Social Cooperative

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    ㆍCompany Introduction
    ㆍFill out requests
    Ex) Product inquiry, Order quantity, Biz-Matching request, MOQ delivery lead time, etc.

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